This listing is for 1(ONE) marker- Paper Wrapped with Tear String - DOES NOT NEED TO BE SHARPENED!
A favourite amongst the builders, electricians, plumbers and whatnot, chinagraph pencils are the pencil that have been perceived by some as black magic, and to others just a ruddy good pencil.
Chinagraph pencils have the benefit of being able to write on almost any surface including paper & card, wood, glass, plastic, metal and plenty more weird and wonderful surfaces, and as there is a choice of permanent and non-permanent, we’ve pretty much created a chinagraph pencil heaven for you!
There are some top quality brands such as Staedtler and Royal Sovereign in amongst our chinagraph pencils, but bear in mind using this pencil of wonders is like meeting a celebrity; just treat it like any other pencil for the most rewarding results!
Breaking strength of the product can be varied with respect to individual applications. All details and measurements are offered as reference only and are not to be used as guaranteed performance figures. All items should be tested in their specific application.