17 mm Hammer On Denim Jeans Buttons brass based with tack alloy studs, AH2
  • 17 mm Hammer On Denim Jeans Buttons brass based with tack alloy studs, AH2
  • 17 mm Hammer On Denim Jeans Buttons brass based with tack alloy studs, AH2

17 mm Hammer On Denim Jeans Buttons brass based with tack alloy studs, AH2

No tax

17 mm

Pack of

No sewing required. Spike is hammered into back of button. Suitable for all types of heavy duty fabrics including demin.  

Breaking strength of the product can be varied with respect to individual applications. All details and measurements are offered as reference only and are not to be used as guaranteed performance figures. All items should be tested in their specific application.

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